It’s been a dismal year. A year in which we have all been required to stay away from each other. A year in which harrowing social division has been inescapable. A year in which, coming out the other end, many have realised that we are better together. Dallas based rapper Chimezie has come out with a new album where the focus is exactly that, and the result is emphatic.
I spoke to Chimezie over Zoom recently to get some of his thoughts on the record, the recording process and how it’s been received. “I wanted to make a project that had more rappers, to work with more people and get some chemistry going, and it worked exactly how I planned it.” With 10 of the 11 tracks on this tape possessing brilliant features that only synergise the tender, powerful verses that Chimezie brings, and a diverse list of producers providing soulful loops reminiscent of his religious upbringing, there are all the ingredients in place for a true showcase of the wonders collaboration can bring.
Like many others, I discovered Chimezie through his YouTube channel, reacting to the latest underground rap from his car. “I’m a fan foremost. Being a fan of hip-hop made me want to express myself in that way. Being able to know what sounds good to a listener allows me to focus on giving them the best experience” There is an obvious innate ability within him to dissect a song and convey what makes it great, and this is very much reflected in Better Together. It is evident that time and toil have been put into perfecting the sound for this album. No ink is wasted from Chimezie’s pen.
It is sometimes the case that having too many guest spots can detract from the hosts ability to shine on their own record. In BETTER TOGETHER, that couldn’t be further from the truth. From the moment it kicks off, we are met with Chimezie’s dominant voice speaking candidly about taking risks to further his rap career: ‘Say “here I go” and I dove in, Geronimo off the stone cliff’. It’s a record from a driven artist ready to explore different lanes and carve his own.
The mood of this record is dichotomous, and the ability to portray the array of emotions present on BETTER TOGETHER is no mean feat. ‘My prior albums had a more melancholic, down-tempo feeling. With this one, I wanted it to be more optimistic, with a togetherness feeling. I still wanted to touch on some of the subjects I’ve talked about before, but in a more mature light that moves us forward rather than just reminiscing on the past.’
NOTHING2SOMETHING is an entrancing cut with a beat many will recognise from Freddie Gibbs and Madlib’s Piñata. It feels like a breakthrough, and Chimezie is hopeful: ‘Instead of turning the cheek, took a leap, chin is heaven direct’. BUT STILL with Jay Cinema shares that optimism for the future, while learning from the past, ‘I’m still moving, look in the mirror when I need to find myself’.
These songs come either side of HAMARTIA. Named after a fatal flaw that ends up in the downfall of a hero, the atmosphere of the record spins on its head. The cadence of Chimezie’s voice takes on a more panicky tone as he works to hide his gloom: ‘Keep a smile ’til I exit, I’ve excelled at pretending’. What follows is one of my favourite moments on the record: the beat exits and the listener is left alone with only the hazy crackle of a vinyl before Animist arrives to deliver a sensitive, sincere verse with some of the most poignant lyrics you’ll hear all year, ‘Afraid of my own reflection, it’s someone I ain’t proud to be’.
US VS THEM is a gritty back and forth with childhood friend Dray. It’s more brash than we’ve ever heard Chimezie, and something he’s been wanting to try out. “I don’t just listen to melancholic, sorrowful music. I just wanted something where I could really strut my stuff. That was the type of music Dray was pushing me towards, we knew we needed to go off on this, and he came through for sure.”
The cathartic closer for this album is GOLDEN SPIRIT. The solitary solo cut is a tribute to Chimezie’s friend Austin. “He’s the reason I make music today. He had the whole studio in Anchorage, and pushed me to release music. I wanted a track where I got to reminisce on his influence, and it was the perfect closing track for an album about being dependent on other people.” The piano fades in and the final touches are put on the world of attachment that this album has been building, there would be no better way to close BETTER TOGETHER.
From setting up shop in a non-existent music scene in Alaska, to releasing an album brimming with the biggest talent in underground rap, Chimezie has fought tooth and nail to be where he is. When speaking to him, it’s clear to see why his peers are so keen to collaborate. His contagious energy mixed with a compelling passion for rap music brought about this fantastic project that everyone involved can look back on with sheer pride.
Check out Chimezie:
Instagram: chimezieiii
Twitter: chimezieiii